What You Need to Know About
Data Recovery

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At Technically Yours Computer Service and Repairs, I know that you rely on your computer to store a lot of your important information. Whether you use your computer primarily for work tasks or for more personal things like organizing your family photos, it can be devastating to lose this data. If you find that your hard drive has crashed and that you can no longer access your files, I can help. I offer data recovery services that can restore your missing files, and in this article, I’ll be going over what you need to know about that process.

What You Need to Know About Data Recovery

The first thing you need to know about data recovery is that it comes in two main varieties: logical and physical data recovery. Logical data recovery is used when damage occurs to your software or data becomes unreadable. To give one example, many people turn to logical data recovery services after accidentally emptying their trash with some important files inside it. In these situations, I recommend shutting your drive off immediately and not messing with it any further, and then calling a data recovery expert. Many clients have accidentally caused further damage by trying to fix the problem themselves.

The other type of data recovery is physical or mechanical recovery. Physical data recovery is used when damage has occurred to the hardware components inside your computer. If your computer has been dropped, spilled on, or otherwise damaged and you’re now experiencing problems, give me a call at Technically Yours Computer Service and Repairs to get started with physical data recovery. This type of recovery definitely requires an expert with the proper tools, and you can count on me to give you the results you deserve.